Confession: I've spent the better part of this year with a bad attitude. Stressed from money going out the window. Overwhelmed by our remodeling mess. Mad at myself for being so indecisive. Tired. Disillusioned, defeated, and discouraged. Impatient, irritated and often critical. Isolated on purpose. Wanting to run away from everyone and disappear Continue Reading
He is Risen Indeed
May this Easter be one filled with renewed wonder of the love and sacrifice of our savior, Jesus. He is risen indeed. Continue Reading
Is Keeping Secrets the Answer?
Are you protective of who you tell what? Do you keep parts of your life off limits? Just your secret... If so, what might happen if you were honest about your dreams or your struggles? What if sharing your heart brought you the intimacy you long for, greater freedom and even joy? Would you risk sharing then? I believe one of the deepest longings Continue Reading
Another Blank Page
Our lives are like books, our days, like pages. Each day starts out blank, clean, free of marks, words and actions. As a writer, I'm often thinking about life as a book and how I will live out my limited pages. Will I live a story worth retelling after I'm gone? Should I even live a record? And if so, what is worth writing down? Only Continue Reading
Truth for Uncertain Times
Change causes me to waver in my faith. Sure, I still believe in God, but sometimes I buy into fear instead. Like amnesia, I lose memories that matter. Where's my information recall when I need it? Change affect everyone of us. It's unavoidable and it can be scary. We will all walk through seasons of change throughout our lifetime. Life is Continue Reading
In Every Season, Remember
No matter what you are going through in this season of your life. Remember: God is with you. God hears you. God sees you. God loves you. God will not fail you. God has your life covered. You are safe in His loving arms. So relax, breathe and live with passion today. No more waiting, live now. Go! Do. Just be. Why wait? Continue Reading