First, thank you for all your prayers and encouragement! I felt so loved and covered in prayer this weekend. I didn’t get a chance to say my thanks one on one yet, but know that your support moves me to tears. The body of Christ is beautiful. Blogging has given me a huge circle of friends across the states and beyond. Wow! To know so many of you have never met me and yet you are still willing to stop by and give me a written hug ! Thank you! You are truly my friends. My sisters and brothers!
Here’s a glimpse of our cardboard testimonies service and pictures of my “before and after” sign. Some people might think this is over the top to stand before a church holding out a sign. I disagree. I believe so many people won’t come to Christ because they feel too dirty. We are good at looking pretty in the church, aren’t we? I’m all for getting real and not hiding behind a fake smile. I’ve been there. Not atttractive. If life is hard, say it’s hard. That doesn’t mean God is any less good..
Why do I do this? Because I want more people set free! I want others to know the love and joy of the Lord. I want them to hear His voice like I do. I want to exchange God stories. There is nothing greater than knowing God. I feel passionate to fight for the freedom of those who are still hurting from their past choices. If it takes me sharing my stuff for them to find God, then so be it, I will share. I’m learning my life isn’t about my comfort. It’s about Him. Period!
This cardboard sermon showed where we came from and where our hope is today! Tears and songs flowed freely! I cried both services as I walked up and showed my sign. I loved seeing what God did in the hearts of men, women and children. My faith and praise grow in times like this. Our God is good! The best part was I asked God for the ability to worship freely Him alone, even if I was in front of everyone. I did! I hope others saw Jesus up there not us.
God redeems the worst in us, doesn’t He? His love knows no boundaries. God created us to know us intimately. Will we take the time to let Him in and find life to the full? And to think one day we will see Him face to face! Oh what a day, actually oh what an eternity that will be!
They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, Revelation 12:11 (NIV).
**PS I will share more on another post of how God spoke to me during this service.**
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord! He is so good, when we are faithful! Blessings to you this week!
You are a beautiful testimony of what God has done! You shine. I can’t wait to hear more on what God said to you. His girl, B
Very beautiful! I know others were touched by your honesty. I hope you have a nice week! 🙂
Amen. Amen. Amen! Blessings to you!
You are courageous and I continue to admire you 🙂 I am so thankful you used your "choice" to be of testimony to others!!
I never felt so free after I blogged about my trip to the hospital and battle with depression, it is amazing to expose secrets. Remember, the Devil strives in darkness. So when we bring secrets to light, the devil is ever so vulnerable :o)
"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." -James 5:16
<3 Martha
I like the way you presented your testimony so openly and honestly. There are others out there that need to know that the Lord forgives them even when they make wrong choices (no matter what that wrong choice may be). I’m touched by your vulnerability before others to do the Lord’s work. Praise the Lord for sisters like you!
This is so powerful, Tiffany! I’ve seen these cardboard sermons before and they never fail to move me. Something so precious about putting faces to the victories!
I am proud of you!
Just seeing the pictures brings tears to my eyes.
I look forward to hearing the rest.
Wow! I am just blown away by God’s grace and love for us. As humbling as it is to participate, it’s also very humbling to watch.
Time to take off the masks and to be real for His glory!
Blessings – Lisa
Love it! Love the fact that you have been set free along with all the others. I love the fact that He has set your feet on a solid foundation and given you the words to speak – both verbal and written.
Love you my kindred spirit!
Oh, Tiffany.. I don’t even think I can put into words the emotions I feel as I read this post. Thrilled for you and what the Lord has done in your life, the courage He has given you, your willingness to speak out, and completely in awe of our Lord and Savior.
I am so proud of you! Through Him anything is possible and to pour your heart out in a testimony such as this, what a healing and blessing for you and for all those out there reading this and realizing there is hope and love for them through Him. I am always amazed at the awesomeness of who He really is.
I’m so touched today to view your pictures and read what you wrote…so very, very deeply touched.
Love you,
I feel blessed to know you…why? Because you make the world a better place…one cardboard testimony at a time!
Hey Miss Tiffany!
Positively AWESOME!!!
YOU STAY REAL ya hear!
Oh Tiffany! I have tears in my eyes… I love and never grow weary of hearing and seeing stories of God’s deliverance, it always makes me so grateful for my own deliverance…
I have been down and weary today and just really didn’t want to get on the computer, but thought I would check real quick and saw that you had posted… reading your post has lifted the weariness from me and has put praise for Him in my heart! Thank you!
My cardboard would say…
“Sought for love and acceptance in the things of this world”
“Found perfect love and unconditional acceptance in Jesus Christ”
That is so awe inspiring my friend, love you.
I’m a ‘fan’ of yours…to see what that means…please do stop by my site. I have a surpise waiting there for you.
I love your site and I love my bloggin sisters in Christ.
I love the idea of cardboard testimonies. I would love to do this at my church. I too have had an abortion and the enemy kept me silent for over 15 years. God’s grace and love is amazing. There is true healing and freedom ONLY in Him. Thanks for sharing.
What a heart for God you have! I am very touched by the pictures. It is so moving to see you all humbly gathered, in one spirit, sharing your testimony for the glory of God. And He is and has received the glory, and even now is bringing good and will continue to bring good from the evil intended by the enemy. May God bless you, Tiffany! You are truly a blessing to others.
So glad you had such a great time. Your courage and honesty are a blessing. I think it’s wonderful to consider what God has done in your life.
This is so awesome! You are a brave and courageous daugther of the King to go forward with your testimony. I thank God He used, and is using, your story to let others see His amazing grace. There is nothing we can do to make God love us more and there’s nothing we can do to make Him love us less.
When it comes to showing God’s redeeming work in our lives, I don’t think anything is “over the top.”
Blessings and prayers!
Here’s another written hug for you! Well maybe two or three!!!!
I’m just so excited to see how much freedom you continue to walk in.
It’s like each time you testify what God has done in your life, you get MORE FREE!
Your passion for Jesus and seeing others walk in freedom is contagious.
I’m so blessed to know you.
I bet that service was really powerful.
What song was played as you all walked on the stage?
Love you and so blessed to be called your friend♥
truly inspirationl to see the photos and to see you smiling – thought and prayed for you. Judith
Oh Tiffany—God is glorified as you share your heart to others!
Tears swell as I see in my minds eye what you must have felt as you “made that cardboard” testimony to share.
God is using you…because you place your entire trust in HIM.
I love you sister.
I’m just balling right now – especially in light of the incest series I’ve been posting on my blog. I can’t wait to do this too. Thanks for inviting us to participate.
Love you!
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Sorry for offtopic