Here are some pics from the recent Denver Women of Faith event. I was blessed to get two free tickets from BookSneeze, in exchange, I was asked to share about the weekend.
Our worship time was amazing.
Gotta love Mandisa! Happy for her success – over 100 pound weight loss.
Women of Faith praise team.
Andy Andrews, telling us truths that are good for the soul. He is a man of much energy. ๐ Try taking his picture…Ha
Drama by Katharine Everett
Talking on friendships, Lisa Whelchel. I related to her story because I am still learning how to be a friend (in my 40s).
The witty and fun, Patsy Clairmont. What she said really spoke to my heart, especially her sentence,
“Change can be good.”
Best selling author, Karen Kingsbury. Love her heart and books, when I read fiction (a rare occasion)
The powerful and beautiful voice of Sandi Patty
Loved the soul music from Amy Grant. What a gift!
Hmm, me…trying to pose as a Nuggets basketball player. Not working. I did make a few strangers laugh though.
My sweet friend, Kelly going for the goal. Score!!
I didn’t get pics of every speaker from the weekend, but not on purpose. We were sitting up in the 3rd section almost to the ceiling. And I was trying to shoot with my handy point and shoot camera withOUT a flash. Some pics just didn’t turn out because I couldn’t hold still long enough. Blur. Noise.
As far as my thoughts on the weekend, I would say Women of Faith is definitely a fun and inspirational time. Women of Faith does a great job bringing in talented musicians and speakers. I appreciated their testimonies.
I felt like the speakers’ talks run together after a while ๐ even though they were all unique messages and great story tellers. Women of Faith packs a lot into two full days. Maybe too much to take in all at once? Or maybe it was just me.
Lunch both days was included. My opinion of the food: fair at best.
I would prefer less book and product commercials.
I did appreciate the World Vision sponsorship video and the personal stories that were shared.
Honestly I was hoping for more of God’s Word and more depth. See what happens when we go places with hidden expectations? What I realized is I prefer retreats better than conferences because I like to go deeper into the Word on a topic or theme. I also like more down time to rest, reflect and get to know other women.
Overall, I had a good time. It was a blessing to be able to get away with a friend for a night and two days.
But would I pay $99 to go again next year?
Probably not.
Remember I like retreats better. ๐
Thank you, Tiffany – your overview was very helpful. Me too, me too…
Gloria, I miss your voice in my life. ๐ hugs
This looks like so much fun. I want to go sometime.Thanks so much for sharing this.
fun indeed…