What is keeping you behind bars today?
So often we have our lists of offenses or offenders. We hold that list close to our heart, we refuse to budge, so we remain captive. A lifelong prisoner rotting away from bitterness, anger and resentment.
“But you don’t know what happened to me?”
You’re right, I don’t. But I know living behind bars doesn’t have to be your life, especially as a Christ follower.
We can choose to accept and use the key to our freedom today. You can live a joy-filled life in Christ. You can move beyond the pain. You can experience peace, passion and love again.
One word:
Forgive everyone who has ever offended you. Write down their name. Write down the words you remember that hurt you. Write down the details if you choose. Even if it’s from elementary school, it doesn’t matter, write it all down.
And then add the words”I forgive you” to your list. Use a red, color pen if you want. After all, the blood of Christ covers a multitude of sins. Yours included. Cover every offense with words that FREE YOU. Pray for a heart that forgives freely. Pray for your enemies if you can.
Christ died so you all could live free. Free from the invisible chains that keep up down.
And finally lock your offense list behind bars, walk away and live free!
PS Throw away the rusty, old key.ย You don’t need it anymore. You and God have places to go!
Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Colossians 3:13
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1
Excellent! I really like your conclusion.
Do you have this set up so know one can copy off your page? I tried to copy the last sentence to paste here and it wouldn’t let me.
How did you get to “borrow” a jail cell?
I do have a set up for no copying. ๐ But as with everything there are ways around that, but it helps some. I have friends who have found there stuff posted on other blogs as if they wrote it. Crazy, right?
I borrowed the jail cell from a military ship in San Diego. I forgot the name right now, but you can tour it. It’s huge and there is so many things to see in it. It’s amazing!!!