Any moms out there needing a little encouragement?
I know I do.
I have the blessing of giving away 3 new copies of Jill Savage‘s book, Real Moms, Real Jesus.
If you’re interested, read this interview about the book on MomLogic.
I haven’t read all of this book yet, but I kept a copy for myself so I can. Is that bad to host a giveaway before I finish the book? I didn’t want to wait.. The sections I have read made me feel normal. Thank you, Jill. I loved Chapter 12, The Truth about Faith. I won’t give away why I loved it though, you have to read it for yourself. One thing I can say is the title of this book is right on because Jill writes “real.” She shares both personal and biblical stories to land her points. The chapters are just the right size for busy moms. Short. Above all, Jill points moms to a friend who understands what we go through day in and day out. His name: Jesus.
I know these books will be an encouragement to moms out there.
Please post a comment to be enter to win one of these books.
To enter twice, please blog about this giveaway and stop by again and tell me when your post is up.
Even if you are not a mom, enter anyway. I’m sure you know of a mom you could give this book to. I’m willing to send the book straight to them if you prefer.
I will draw three names next Wednesday, June 24th, and announce the winners.
Thank you, Jill, for giving me this opportunity to share your books with my readers. And thank you, Hearts at Home, for your national conferences and your ministry to moms across the US.
Just a little something from Judy says
That looks like it would be a very good book. I might buy some for gifts. I feel like I am surrounded by busy, young mothers right now in my life. I am thankful my computer will now let me through to your blog. Hope you have a relaxing weekend.
Charity says
count me in for the contest would love to have the book!! I will share on twitter too. Thanks for the chance to win
Heart2Heart says
Always looking for a way to be a better mom. I think I will be working on that right up until I die.
Thanks for your daily encouragement and hang in there, I am still prayer for encouragement and strength!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Heather and Reese says
I'd like to enter, please. It looks like a great book.
christy rose says
I agree with Kat. I am always looking to Jesus to show me new and creative ways to making mommy life more fun for me and my kids.
Great giveaway!
Laura says
Hello, my friend!
This sounds like a good read for all mommies…we can always use some encouragement, you know.
I hope you are doing well. I have been behind on my bloggy visiting. We are on vacation, so I'm taking advantage of the down time to visit!
Sending love,
A Free Spirit Butterfly says
Praying for a winner who truly needs it. It's tough being a mom, especially when the kids are young. Our society is so lost at times, it scares me and I'm in Law Enforcement.
What a great give away!
Stay blessed and keep spreading your wings and your love!
Julie Anne says
I would love to read this book!! As a mom of 4 young kids, I need to be reminded on how REAL my Jesus is!!
On Purpose says
Hey Look at this…Woo-hoo the day I finally get your blog to load back up and your are having a little party with Real Moms and a Real Jesus…does life get any better?
Love to you my friend!
Melanie says
'Sounds like the book for me!
And just in time for my BDAY.
B His Girl says
I want to read chapter 12. B
A 5 time mom says
I love books that encourage in our faith and in our motherhood. I love the Hearts at Home Magazine.
Karla Meachem says
REAL living with Jesus ~ AWESOME!
Thanx 4 the entry!!
~*Michelle*~ says
hey, thanks for a chance at a great giveaway~! 🙂
Carlene says
Please include me in your giveaway.
Genny says
The book sounds great! It's a little ironic too…I'm actually starting something at my blog today (and every Monday) to try to give moms more encouragement. Sounds like that's what this book is for too. 🙂
It's great to be back to blogging. I hope you are doing well!
Denise says
You are a heart blessing.
Lisa says
Being a mom is tough! What mom couldn't use a little encouragement?
Blessings ~ Lisa
Jenileigh says
Definitely interested in learning more in the parenting field. Thanks Tiffany! You generous soul!
Anonymous says
Count me in
Sheila r
Beautiful Daughters says
Sounds like a great book for all moms.
I heard about it and wanted to read it sometime!