What does believing God looks like in your life? How is belief lived out in your thoughts, words, and actions?
I’d love to hear your perspective.
For me, I’m learning how amazing it is to focus my attention on God. Thinking about His character throughout my ordinary day. Thanking Him for my life and little things. Singing and praising His name. Living each moment with Jesus in relationship. Not worried about tomorrow. Meditating on the Truth of who I am: His very own!
Believing God is life changing. The more I grow to love God for who He is, the more I ache for more of Him. I no longer feel the shame or fear I once had. Wow, that freedom is healing. To believe God brings a peace that I’ve found nowhere else on earth. It’s a taste of heaven on earth. A free gift.
Father God, help me believe You more today than I did yesterday. I love You. I place my life in Your strong hand. Shape my life according to Your good pleasure. Teach me Your ways. Open my eyes and ears to see and hear You clearly. Forgive me for my unbelief. Thank You for Your forgiveness. Thank You for healing my brokenness. Continue to take my life and make it Yours. I love living free. In Jesus name, Amen
(pic taken of a bulb hanging in my kitchen. A dear friend gave it to me when she heard my 2010 word was BELIEVE! Love it!)
For me, believing God is trusting Him. It's knowing from the bottom of my heart that when He says something, it is true, for He cannot lie. Even if I don't understand how, and even if I can't imagine when, He still does not change.
Hi Tiffany, I loved this post and found myself reflected in so much of what you shared-focusing on Him is the only way to live. Blessings to you dear one!
Hugs, Noreen
Believing God to me, is the ultimate show of faith. We must believe and trust Him for everything, and with everything. I love you.
Every day is a different challenge to believe God. When he say's "go, into a land you do not know", it's a journey. But faith requires unanswered questions and faith is the only way to please Him, so that is His plan! Thank you for the reminder, no matter what I'm challenged with today, to believe God!
Amen! For me, believing is about trusting God despite how the situation looks. It is a daily walk of faith.
Thanks for sharing my friend!
Hope your week is off to a great start!
Your friend is such a sweetheart to give you the perfect bulb when she learned your word is "believe." Thanks for sharing this with us here.
Believing GOD is accepting HE knows what is best for me in "every" area of my life…giving over complete control to HIM!
Blessings, andrea
Believing God means accepting his will for you..and trusting that He knows best. Its not always easy. Great post…thanks for sharing this.
Tiffany, you said: "To believe God brings a peace that I've found nowhere else on earth. It's a taste of heaven on earth. A free gift." I'm in total agreement. And as I read this post I was in awe at how God is matching our experiences with him. Praise Jesus, Father God, Heavenly Friend!
Great question …
When I consider what it means to believe God, I want to believe Him for BIG THINGS. I think I often fail to pray BIG because there's a part of me that is afraid of being let-down.
As I grow in faith, I'm learning to trust Him with more and more. I'm definitely a work in progress. He takes me as I am — and I'm thankful that He'll never leave me that way. ๐
When I read this, I started thinking about believing God and realized that it's no longer something I really think about; I just do it.
I know that may sound strange, but for a long time I had to work at and I realized I have come to the place that it is second nature. Woohooo. Now to continue growing in His wonderful grace and glory!
If you've read anything on my blog in the past you know that these are the two most dearest words to my heart!
Believe GOD!
This was the very thing that God used to bring me out of the wandering in the desert years! I chose a little over three years ago to believe Him for His Word – for Who He is – AND – for who I am [His precious child]!
I began believing He could really do what He said He could do… and that I could do whatever He called me to – if I relied on Him for my strength. Then I dug so deep in His Word I got buried in it – lost in time – and peaked my head out just to take a deep breath and then back in again! I devoured His Word – OT especially became alive and active like never before and He connected both OT and NT as the "whole counsel of the Word of God". As God directed – Beth Moore's study of Believing God – is where it all began. It was also the place God prepared my husband – not only for a period of physical healing from his cancer [for a time] – but a place of preparation for my Bob to know Jesus at a whole new level before taking him on to heaven – where he is face to FACE with JESUS now!
Your wrote:
"Believing God is life changing. The more I grow to love God for who He is, the more I ache for more of Him. I no longer feel the shame or fear I once had. Wow, that freedom is healing. To believe God brings a peace …"
I lived a life of fear…. the enemy had such a stronghold over me – but then God delivered me from that and God HIMSELF became my Stronghold [Psalm 27:1].
He pulled me out of the pit I had dug for myself – set me on a rock and gave me a new song – a hymn of praise to our God – and from there I learned to TRUST HIM [Ps. 40:1-4]
like never before!
I could go on and on about these two words. They stir great JOY in my heart which is also how my 'signature' came to be!
Thanks for asking!
Believing my God for great kingdom purposes in my life!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
JESUS ONLY in 2010
I'm echoing Rose a little here. I have found the longer I have believed, the more second nature it becomes. Praise the Lord, believing in Him is now a no-brainer in my life …I never thought about it until just recently as I've had to take a stand in a family situation (which I have blogged about). HE is truly the air I breathe. I have staked my life, both now and eternally, on HIS WORD. He writes the final chapter of any situation or challenge we are facing. What a glorious hope!
God bless your new venture on the radio. That is so exciting!!! And such a God thing!
One other quick thing I meant to say. When we have made the BIG decision to BELIEVE in God and in His Word, everything else falls in line under that. We don't have to agonize over whether something is right and wrong if God's Word already says it is right or wrong, for example. This gives us such freedom in believing, doesn't it?