I’ve spent years and years hiding and no one knew. I made sure of it. Had to look the part of a put-together woman. I thought if anyone knew the real me I would be rejected. Without a doubt, dumped. I was terrified of being truly known. But deep down that is what I yearned for most. I wanted someone, anyone to know the real me, to love and accept me.
As God continues to heal my broken heart, I’m finding I am more free to be ME. I’m not all together. Never will be. But there is something amazing about coming out of hiding.
Before I didn’t trust God because of my childhood sexual abuse. How could I trust God to protect me when He didn’t? I’ve learned since then, He did protect me. He protected my soul. I am still His child. He didn’t leave me–He lives in me. When I cried, so did He. He loves me as I am.
I challenge those hiding to come out. Come to Jesus. Rest. Pour out your hurts and sorrows to Him. Allow Him to see the real you. The ugly stuff too. He already sees all of you. And He still longs to hear your voice. He waits for you.
Will you come?
The invitation is yours. You can live free! And become the real you!Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. Matthew 11:28-30(MSG)
(pic: hat worn by a teenage girl for ” crazy hat day”, fall 2009)
Tiffany I so love this post and I can so relate to it as well! Wow! Thank you for sharing. I am slowly becoming what the Lord had in mind for me in the first place. Blessings to you my friend.
So true about what you said about Him already seeing us even before we come to Him. Yet his love is so unconditional and He just desires that we would Love Him as much as He loves us.
Thanks for posting.
Love the post and the MSG version from Matthew. I'm still amazed that God knows all about me, and still loves me. How awesome that we can live free in Him!
Tiffany, this was a beautiful post…I believe that MANY, if not most, women live this way…hiding.
Blessing to you today my friend1
Awesome post sis.
Thank you for being bold in your post, and for having the courage to grow and to help others.
You go girl,
Tiffany!!! Oh my goodness gracious. I have been hit with this truth for 3 days in a row. Thank you for posting it as yet one more reminder my obedience is necessary, my story is to be shared so others can be free too, i can be vulnerable and b/c He loves He will keep those who truly love me near by! Wow, thank you.
chel ~ Abiding Still
Great post! I feel it's only when we are willing to come out of hiding and share where we have been that God can do some of His best work in us.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I came out of hiding… it was horrifying… at first… God helped me and I'm a different woman for Him today. Praise God!
Once I began to heal, the real me began to emerge and I like being me. Those who knew me before barely recognize me.
I know what it is to boldy walk in freedom and I will never turn back. Great post, Tiffany.
We all have areas of our lives we try to hide, from God and from others. It's such a heavy burden to bear, and what freedom we experience when we finally let go and concentrate on becoming all that we were created to be. There's an expression my hubby and I use when we start getting bogged down about the past (and everyone has one!) … "you've got to have a bigger windshield than a rear view mirror"! Thanks for this!
Amen. When we remain in hiding we never reach our full potential, because we never open up fully to all that God has for us. Great post!
Freedom is huge, isn't it? This makes me think of a conversation I had this week with someone about Psalm 139. Thanks for this post.