Well, we made it through another presidential election. A historical one. What a ride!
Yes, I’m heart broken about how liberal Senator Obama is about hot topics such as abortion and same sex marriage. However, I’m amazed at how far our nation has come. Think about black slaves. That wasn’t that long ago we had black and white drinking fountains. America has come a long way with our attitudes about race and equality. And I thank God for that change. People are people. Being color blind is a good thing. We are all created by God by design and for His purposes.
Now a divided America has another choice to make the morning after.
Will we choose to embrace who God allowed into office? Or will we be bitter and angry? Will we live the next four years out as skeptics and critics? Or we will pray for the President-elect Obama and his family?
I choose to:
* trust God during this time of change. Not knowing what change will bring.
* praise God for His answer. Not understanding.
* look up rather than down.
* walk in dignity knowing I let my voice be heard. The right to vote is a freedom I don’t take lightly. So many nations cannot speak up.
* pray for our nation, continuing to ask for God’s mercy and favor.
* pray for our future President Obama and his decisions, his family, his heart towards LIFE.
* focus on who ultimately holds the greatest seat in office for all eternity.
My Heavenly Father!
May God continue to bless America. And may God’s people continue to praise His name for He is good. His love endures forever!
Just To Praise Him... says
There is one thing I am sure of…God did not fall off His throne in devastating surprise when Obama was voted in. He was aware. And this morning He is still on His throne. Our one responsibility in this is to remain respectful of our authority and be submissive to leadership. God will take care of the rest. Thank you for your thoughts. They are always worth reading and very enlightening…
Jennifer says
In all honesty, I am struggling with the outcome of this election. I am physically sick to my stomach…HOWEVER, I know that God is still in control, this didn’t catch him by surprise, He has a plan and the fear that I am feeling IS NOT OF HIM! I have chosen to pray for our president elect and his family!
P.S. Stop by my blog today…I have an award waiting for you.
Have a blessed day!
Pen to Paper; Spirit to Soul says
Awesome post.
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. Yes, grace. His grace covers me from head to toe and I am so thankful.
Pamela in TX
Kimberly says
I trust God in how He handles things. He is in control. And no, he didn’t just fall off His throne.
Thank you Tiffany for sharing this today.
Kim@Seasons of My Heart says
My heart was grieved last night as well…yet…after the hubs and I talked…and prayed…I cannot help but have a sense of “hope”…”comfort”…”peace”..as I know NONE of this caught my heavenly Father by surprise.
He’s still on his throne….and for me (and I hope for others) this is spurring me on….to get on my knees…and PRAY..PRAY..PRAY…
Thankfully..we (believer’s) know how the story ends…and today, I’m finding comfort in that!
A. W. Tozer said,
“The hard work of prayer is getting yourself into a state of mind in which you prefer the will of God over your own.”
Just To Praise Him... says
Again, a great great post from you today. I read it again. Thank you for always being open and honest and transparant. It helps others to be as well including myself. On another note though, I wanted to say that I thought some of the thoughts on my latest blog may have seemed a little harsh still, so I re-worded. Please stop by for another read. I apologize if it seemed a little harsh. God knows best and again, I don’t know Obama like God does. Only He can have the true opinion of this man’s heart.
Robin says
Great post Tiffany as always. Yes we must pray for our country and our president elect.
Just To Praise Him... says
Thanks, Tiffany for reading my hearts intentions. That means alot that you would say that.
By the way, how’s the weather up there coming along? Cold yet? It is still somewhat warm here.
Kristen says
Yes… the Lord is still Sovereign and on His throne! I know for many Americans throughout our country the results of the election were heartbreaking.
I choose along with you…
to trust God, praise His answer, look up, not down, to walk with dignity – knowing I let my voice be heard, to pray…and to yes… focus on Him, our Sovereign Lord… who sits on the Mightiest Throne!!!
I am so glad I found your blog… via… oh my, I can’t remember which blog! 🙂 I guess at this point all that matters is that God brought me here! 🙂
Speaking Thru Me Ministries says
amen sister!!! love, Leigh
Sarah says
Even though I’m not happy about the outcome of the election, it is good to know that this is exactly how God planned it to be. And I couldn’t agree with you more about how far we’ve come as a country.
Thank you for keeping a positive outlook, when it is much easier to be negative.
Jami @ livelaughlove5 says
Tiffany – thanks so much for coming to my blog today and for the encouragement you gave me! 🙂 I really appreciate it!
Also – thank you for this post. I too was disappointed to see Obama win but I feel more of a passion to pray for him now…more than I did for past presidents I’m ashamed to admit. We always need to be praying for our leaders…I hope to do better now! 🙂
Your letter to Obama is also incredibly powerful. Thank you for sharing your heart. I was blessed by you today!
God bless you!!
Tricia says
Trusting in the fact that God is in control and He is soveriegn…
I am with you in the choice we have to make now, we need to keep our leaders covered in prayer… God holds the kings heart in His hand, and directs it whichever way He chooses (my paraphase :))
everydayMOM says
Amen, sister. I stumbled upon your blog, but it’s just what was going through my mind today. =]
On Purpose says
In all things God brings good! I know there is a purpose…and I am I excited to see the purposes He has to share with us.
You are a beautiful daughter of the King…keep your eyes up!
Beth says
It’s no secret that I did not vote for Barack Obama. However, God is still God, even if Barack is President. I have to trust that God will provide for my family, and know that God’s plan for our nation is just that – HIS plan. Not mine.
I keep thinking of the verse where Jesus says, “Give to Ceasar whatis Ceasar’s, and give to God what is God’s.” I will respect Obama as President, even if I don’t agree with him most of the time.
This time is being viewed as difficult for conservatives. I’m looking at it as a great opportunity to “be a light in the world!”
day by day says
Thanks so much for the sweet words you left on our blog! I have been reading through some of your posts….you write beautifully…straight from the heart!! And I thought the same thing today(after feeling ill for a while)….we have to move on and we have to keep our newly elected President in our prayers!!!
Robin says
Tiffany – just wanted to let you know I appreciate this post and I linked to it on my blog entry for today.
Golden~1 says
I really thank God for your openness and your honesty. Look forward to reading your book.
Julie says
I love that no matter what goes on in the country surrounding me, I am safe in His embrace. I am thankful to know that nothing takes Him by surprise and believe that each and everything works for good. I am thankful to know that my life is not in the hands of a senator or president, but in the
Creator of the universe. He spoke
the world into existence. I know He can carry me in mine..
Love you friend,
Tracy says
Amen, my friend. Couldn’t agree more with your words and thoughts. Beautifully spoken.
Rhonda Coleson says
yes, all true.
Jenalp says
God has turned His back on America and left it to its choice. America first turned its back on Him, drove Him out of the classroom, the home, the university, the office. America has thumbed its nose at God and He has left it to its choice. America deserves the leader it has got. America does not figure in the last book of the Bible and perhaps Obama is the one to lead it into oblivion.