This is a light post for your entertainment. 🙂 I figure its good to show you the lighter, playful side of me every now and then. Laughter is one of my greatest pleasures! Definitely my favorite sound!
(This is so funny. My DH was kind enough to humor me in this museum so I could capture this picture. I’m not sure what’s up with the size of these stained briefs!)
(My two sweet ones playing Guitar Hero in the front of Wal-Mart in the men’s department. Gotta love their freedom of expression! No shame here.)
Happy Valentines Day everyone! May those in your life know that they are loved today–and every day. I say “Every day is a day to love” not just Valentines Day!
Love. A word I could write and write about. I live to love! To give it. To receive it. To discover and explore it. I’m so thankful to have a family to love. I’m beyond thankful that Christ first loved me. Because of His love, I am able to love others!
My Valentine word for you: May you feel a deeper sense of God’s love today! You are His sweetheart, His precious Valentine. He can’t take His eyes off of you! You captivate Him. God wants you to know He loves you more than you could ever know!
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:17-19(NLT)
I just changed my header again. ) I love collage and the creative process. I’ll be happy to share with you how…
Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope your day is filled with the overflowing love of our Father.
Hi Sweet Tiffany!
Happy LuvDay 2 U!!!
You have me craking up at the pictures… and it’s been a while since I’ve been able to get over and visit… so I read a little bit and found this statment you made about the WINDY day that cracked me again!!!
My neighbor called me last night to inform me my roof was waving as she drove up to her home. I laughed. What a friendly roof I have! Waving to the neighbors!
Laughter is so good! It is so good when the sides of the belly start to hurt and the cheaks on your face are hurting too and the tears are streaming down your face! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that kind of laghter even tho it starts to hurt and ironically- I even start to cry! Laughing and crying…. hmmmm…. sounds of and odd mixture, but great it is indeed!
Have a Beautiful Day!
Thanks for these words today!
Loved the picture of the museum… and the underwear…. awkward!!!! lol
Hope your day is beautiful.
Love ya bunches!
Well now, THERE’S a picture I never thought I’d see. Hilarious, Tiff. I’m feelin’ the LOVE, Tiffany.
And your kids going for it is too cute.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Great fun pictures and happy hearts and flowers day to you!!
How could I forgot to tell all of my blogging friends that I LOVE YOU today!?
Thanks for sharing in this special day and laughs with me.
Sending LOVE to each one of you!
Thanks for the smile today Tiffany! :o)
Thank you also for praying for my Dad and for my family. It’s so good to reconnect with you.
Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
Love to you,
Underwear on my dashboard…what’s that Tiffany up to!!! I had to ck it out. A museum with big briefs…Ripleys Believe It or Not???? How funny Tiffany! Thank you for the words, His words on this Valentine’s Day. I want to share His love too. You are precious in His sight and funny! B
For the record: These XXXXXL briefs are located in the City Museum in St. Louis.
An amazing place to check out! So much fun! This section was filled with vintage games, movie signs, ect. The kid in me went crazy as I explored this incredible museum. So much to do and see, so little time!
Thanks for making me smile, love you. Happy Valentines Day.
Those briefs … that’s a lot of love! lol
Great pics of your children…just precious!
Blessings to you this Valentine’s Day!
I want to clarify my comment about the briefs…lol
Your hubby allowing you to take the picture is showing you a lot of love! Ok, I feel better now…I read that comment and went…OH NO that sounds terrible.
Hugs to you!
PS I enlarged the pic.
The name of these briefs is BIG GALLOOT. The size is MCXLVII. I’m having TOO much fun with this!
Too funny! Hope you enjoyed your Valentine’s Day my friend! Thank you for the reminder of God’s love!
Thanks for sharing this for a laugh.
What a great family.
Hugs and love and blessings-
Well, the underwear will definitely get the attention!
I loved this…”Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.” As we trust in Him….oh how I love Him…trust Him and rely on Him! Amazing what He does in my life and others each day! I am praying for the door—the way and direction for us! Keep on praying…He has a plan.!
Love you!
Oh, you are too funny! (LOVE the pictures!!!) Those were some SERIOUSLY LARGE drawers! WOW. Hehehe
I hate I missed making it by to wish you a happy v’ day. I suppose I could say, “Happy President’s Day,” but does anybody DO that??? HA!!!!!!!
Seriously, though, I hope you have a GREAT week!
You have what appears to be a brave, and humorous family! Yeah what is up with the extremely large stained undies on the wall?
Oh my gosh, is that Paul Bunyan’s underwear? Gotta show my hubby. He’ll get a kick out of it. Thanks for the laugh!