What stops you from being creative? If you’re like me, it’s fear. Fear of failure.
How do we get passed that fear? I believe it’s by trying something new and risking failure. Failing doesn’t mean we are failures. We can learn from failure.
I love John C. Maxwell’s books. I own quite a few of them. They motivate me. John’s my friend. Not really, but since he encourages me, he is a friend.
In his book, Failing Forward, he says, “Are we going to sleep life away, avoiding failure at all costs? Or are we going to wake up and realize this: Failure is simply a price to pay to achieve success.
I’m a recovering fear-a-holic. Fear used to be my best friend. I found comfort in his presence. Fear took me places I didn’t want to go.
Lately I’ve found a new friend, Courage. However, I still hang with Fear from time to time. But I’m learning Courage is a better choice of companion. Courage is taking me places I’ve always wanted to go.
Courage is Christ in me.