Counting my gifts still:
426. The sounds of laughter – so healing
427. The fun personalities of my son, Justin, (brown hair) and his wacky friend, Jacob
428. Justin and his beautiful girlfriend, Brittany on Prom Night
429. My precious daughter, Hannah (dark hair) and her best friend sporting Justin’s new t-shirts
430.An amazing dinner with the family and Grandma on Saturday night
431. Date night with my husband – sushi on Friday night
432. the love of my husband – (pic from Estes Park)
433. Financial and prayer support from friends and family for my first 5K on June 2nd
434. helping a precious friend with her website today – love her dearly!!
435. celebrating a dear friend’s debut novel, Wish You Were Here. Congrats, Beth.
436. rain today – buckets of much needed moisture
437. cheesecake – topped with blueberries
438. courage to start running – slow and steady I go. I don’t like it yet but I press on. I have a race to run in 4 weeks.
439. warm 80 degree Colorado days
440. getting letters in my mailbox from my aunt – sweet words of love and encouragement exchanged
441. my kitchen chalk board – a creative place to write verses, notes or to draw pics
442. God’s great love that covers me daily
443. peace
444. the ability to hear
445. seeing daily paintings in the skies: pink sunrises, mid-day cloud formations and orange sunsets
446. my taste buds
447. the bubbling excitement of next week’s writer’s conference
448. the comfort of knowing God is always with me
449. knowing I am deeply loved by God just as I am
450. and on a playful note, my son’s newest prank video (JStuStudios) – crazy falling and banging into things. (yes, they clean their messes)
To start counting your gifts, please join Ann and friends at A Holy Experience